We stumble. We pack. We returne to stumble, we go back to pack. Sometimes we stumble but do not even care. Before you know it, every day we stumble and pack up again and again parts of stories of love and wonderful imaginary trips.
The power of imaginagy worlds and infinite dreams, live scattered over a entire house. They came from any supermarket shelf or high street store and immediately become part of everyday's life of a child. Discovered by tearing the wrapping paper or simply when given in hand , they come to life. Some have been given a name, others have come with one. Some will be treated well, others less so. Dolls that will delight any child.
Together they will make a sucessful team by creating love stories, friendship, monsters, pirates and happy marriages forever. Current adaptations to future experiences in a present under construction. There are no bedroom, living room, bathroom or kitchen that wont received these pieces of life.
No matter the warnings that parents do, in a gentle or rougher way, however songs imported from school (it´ssss tiimmmeeee to pack, ♫ to pack, to paackk ♫...) it never seems to work, nothing will make them stay in order. But what does it matter? nothing will make a house more beautiful than decorated with dolls and toys all together gathered with children sharing the same rest, when the evening runs longer and quiet ?